We cover everything you need to know to succeed on the UKMLA AKT, including the complete E-Book written according to the GMC content map. In addition, you will have access to the full UKMLA AKT Q-Bank, which contains over 2200 exam-style questions and comprehensive explanations. What’s more, there are five practice mock exams included in this course.
After finishing each section of the e-book, you will be able to practice questions and prepare mock tests under timed conditions using our high-yield questions.
- Leading resource for UKMLA AKT
- The complete UKMLA AKT E-Book with recent guidelines
- The complete Q-Bank with 2200+ exam style UKMLA AKT Questions
- Five UKMLA AKT mock tests from high yield topics
- Detailed answers and explanations
- Private student community
- Instructor support